Haunted by my past life (A story)

Haunted by my past life (A story)

I opened my eyes to a new world, I saw people running around me, I tried to talk but words weren't coming out of my mouth, what could be wrong with me, I tried to stand up but my body was so weak, I reach out my hands to the person in my front but then I realize I was in a hospital, my hands where so small and covered in blood, it was then I realized that I was just a newborn baby with the memories of his past life, but immediately I saw the blood, I forgot everything and started acting like a baby and the normal child that I'm.

After my 17th year, I realized I'm always in our garden attending to the plants and making sure they grow properly even though we have a Gardener, I was born into a very rich family where every child has 2maid appointed to them. It was like I never needed my maid to get things done, unlike my siblings, instead of calling for them, I do things on my own like I have done it before, it does make my parents surprise and even the maid too was surprised.

One night, I started having this dream, I see myself in a house with another family, but with a different face, the funny thing is that I'm the father of that family, I had kids and shortly after, I would wake up breathing heavily, I could not tell anyone about the dreams because I was scared of what they would think of me, it continues like this for several nights and it became worst to the extent I started having daydream or vision about it.

It was like I was going to become a mental patient. I had no choice now but to tell my mom, on that day I spoke to her, it wasn't what I wanted to say that came out of my mouth.

Me: Mommy, I even have one thing to inform you

Mom: Ok, go on

Me: (thinking of how to say it then said) I want to go see my first family, my wife and my children too

Mom: (confused at my statement, and staring at me for a little while) what do you mean, this is your family.

Me: I know, but I have a family somewhere in Africa and I need to know if they are fine.

Mom: Are you sure you're ok, or do we need to see the doctor

Me: (got angry) do you think I would be joking with this, or does it look like I'm mad, get me to my family so I can know if they are doing fine (said this in an African native language without realizing it)

After my dad came back from work, she discussed what happened to him, my dad was a believer in the supernatural and he told my mom he has to get to Africa as soon as possible, he called me the next day and asked me which country, address and all other information needed, to my surprise, I was answering all the question and I was so sure of the answers.

After 2weeks of preparation, I and my parent traveled to Africa and headed to the location I wrote for them, I got to my house and I saw my previous wife, they were surprised at what a white man and woman would be doing in their house. I called her by her name and she was so shocked, she doesn't recognize me but yet I look so familiar to her, her 20year old daughter came outside to see what was going on, at that time, I recognized Tayo and I started crying, after a while, we were invited in, I explained everything that had happened in their native language and I told them of some memories, it was a real shock to them, immediately Tayo ran towards me and hugged me so tight with tears in her eyes and started saying "Daddy welcome back" my two other older daughter "Remilekun" and "Pelumi" also came to me with tears in their eyes too.

Finally, their mother joined them, I and my parent spent a week there before traveling back, within that one week, I was able to bond with them and we had some special prayer done, after the special prayer, I slept for a day and a half without waking up, and when I finally did, I began to lose memories of my past life, with this, they knew I had to start a new life, I did my goodbye before departing. My parent was still surprised by everything that happened, my mom wrote it into a book and it sold millions of copies, since that day, our lives were never the same again.

Thank you for sparing some time with this, until the next one!

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