Life Is Amazing

Life is amazing

Have you ever thought of how amazing life is and how incredible life experience is?

Meanwhile, we all just tend to take it for granted... I hope I get to reframe your mindset in some sort of ways that would help you go through today with much more gratitude.

When I'm saying life is amazing, I don't mean life is perfect and definitely, sometimes bad things happen, there are always things happening both good and bad, there's always have been good and bad happening... What I'm trying to share is how we are going to be living our lives with more gratitude every single day.

At some point I was listening to a comedian and he explained how life is so amazing and we don't seem to be happy with it and he came up with this ideology when he traveled by plane for the very first time and it was also the first time plane was having a wifi connection.

Everyone was happy about this because you could travel by plane for hours and still be connected to wifi and really that sounds amazing he boarded the plane and about halfway through their journey which was about 30 minutes, the wifi connection stops working.

The pilot was informed and they pleaded with everyone on board and they promised they would fix it before they landed and the guy next to the comedian was like “this is bullsh*t 🤬" and what's crazy about this guy ranting beside him was that he was angry about something he didn't know existed 29 minutes ago and this was the first time planes were having wifi connections.

Have you ever gone to the airport to pick up your relatives or some you know?...

They are always like, being on the airplane is the worst place to be..... When you try to pick them up at the airport and you asked them how was their day and they would be like “it was such a long day and they had to be on a plane for 7 hrs sitting down and doing nothing"...... After all these conversations I was like, do you guys even know how people travel before planes were invented, and are they even aware that some people die while trying to travel to other countries back before planes were invented.

I also heard of a story that it takes over 30 years to travel from New York to Los Angeles back then and now with airplanes, it takes just 5hrs and people still complain that it's too long..... I haven't been on a plane before though but when I finally have the chance to be, I will definitely me like “wow this is really amazing because I'm sitting on a chair in the sky".

There's something about getting used to things and the more familiar we get with anything the more we find or derive negativity around it and this is because human minds tend to turn negative...

Just like the phones we use today, where people say phones and technology are so addictive and it's screwing things up but the truth is that technology is not screwing anything up we human beings are the ones screwing it up... Just look at our phone and see how it has replaced so many things that we have to buy before there use to be a camera and also a camcorder but now we have both on our phones, isn't that just amazing and now we can take pictures and take videos with just a device...

Our phones have replaced books, TVs, radio, calculators, voice recorders, GPS, flashlights, scanners, levelers, credit cards, alarm clocks, stopwatch, notepads, calendars, GPS, newspapers, and even remote controllers, game controllers, car keys, and if all these are not impressive enough it possesses all kinds of knowledge a man has ever known through the internet but with all these people still adjust to the negative sides and say technology is so terrible which is cool though only if you're doing something wrong with it.

Life is so amazing because as time goes on the more impressive it becomes through technological changes, when you check what we humans have created in this world from there it would be amazing..... We are not supposed to be addicted to it, you can become addicted to it because it's amazing but you're letting it be what it is, and don't forget “it's a great server but a terrible master" and it's now up to you to decide whatever you want it to be.

Imagine back then, when you have to write letters to people and it takes over a week before they could get it and sometimes they might even be dead and you wouldn't know for over a week because there wasn't an easy mode to communicate but now within 2 seconds with your phone, you can communicate with someone millions of miles away from here. If we look at the right side of the mirror on life, I'm sure we will appreciate how amazing this life is.

Think of your life, it might be great right now, good or managing whatever it might be, it's still amazing .... Have you ever wondered if our life right now is better than the life of queens and kings 500 years ago, we have food, clothing's, water, shelter, and obviously we have a couple of people that love us, though there's nothing bad in aiming for better and that's why we always want more of it though like having more clothes in the closet, having more cars in the garage, just take a second out of it and look how amazing things are and be grateful because life won't give you better things if you're not grateful for the ones you have now.

Thank you for sparing some time with this, until the next one!

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