Managing Scarcity Through Skillset Diversification

Managing Scarcity Through Skillset Diversification

When I was younger, there wasn't abundant stress created on the essence of ability acquisition. one of the numerous necessary skills noninheritable during this modern-day is cash management, which is not even thought of as a scientific discipline.

There are so many reasons why money management was a necessity, one of them is the scarcity of resources. Many would say economics covered this aspect, but it was just a social science that wasn't too emphatic on reality.

Back in the days, I remembered people synonymizing a skill such as shoe-making to poverty, people who were artists and painted portraits had to depend on the measure of the value of a client to get paid. The major gig then was going to school and getting a degree. However, this isn't the focal point. In reality, any skill that solves a relevant problem equals value and with the advent of sophistication, people have come to understand this.

The dichotomy in the superiority or inferiority of skill was prevalent in the past and hence people never opened up themselves to be versatile,

Why is This?

The essence or importance of versatility isn't stressed enough, hence people end up making sole financial priorities rather than opening themselves up to different possibilities.

In the world we live in, value is not static.

The advent of technology makes it possible for devaluation to happen to an industry while simultaneously making another industry share some of that relevance. For example, wood was one of the most multifaceted goods in Nigeria, but the advent of sophistication diverted some of this relevance to the glass so, here, sophistication devalued the wood industry, while adding that extra relevance to glass.

I could also remember when the textile industry was a thing in the early 90s. My mother was within the trade for a moment, creating cash for herself, however over time, the relevancy dwindled and he or she was out of employment.

The sociocultural relativity to the essence of money-making is hardly emphasized in so many developing countries. Because of the emphasis on being definitive or recognized with a certain skill, different people are thrown out of jobs because of their inability to cope with the condition of being in a certain industry.

In Nigeria for example, a disability takes a person off the board, meaning their chances of being employed decrease. One of the reasons for versatility is not just to increase streams of income, but for a person to be differently skilled to suit their biological conditioning.

There are different skill sets in the when a person tailors themselves to understand and improve on the skillset that suits their member, people do not have to compete especially in challenging industries where they're out of the race before the competition begins.

In the world presently, skillfulness is the key to staying afloat in a very world of uncertainty.

This is because a person can activate their different skillsets, especially in an economy with limited opportunities. There are some countries where the system provides equal opportunities for all skillset, while some aren't.

While digital skills are considered to be a thing nowadays, there's one even better aspect. Digital skills are a fragment of some of the skills we can find in real-time, for example, gaming has become a skill, the reason is that it's currently monetizable as a result of P2E.

Back then I know many people who owned the game house and monetized the entertainment of others, nowadays, with the monetization of the gaming through blockchain applications, nowadays both the owner of the game center and the people who played games can bring that skill online to reward their passion.

Some of the things the internet has helped facilitated are compartmentalization, now this is very dynamic.

I have a friend who is a digital advert manager, he works online then he's a brand ambassador when he's not working, or even a planner when you need him to be. Because of the internet, he can create a conglomerate of clientele without even needing a physical space to build.

This means that the internet isn't just creating new opportunities for new skillsets, it's creating accessibilities, especially for fringe skills that are often ignored in an economy. Creating relevance and awareness of the need for different skill sets in the world is essential, this is where we begin.

Thank you for sparing some time with this, until the next one!

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