Staying Out Of A Toxic Relationship

Staying Out Of A Toxic Relationship

The person will fall in love with might probably not be the person who broke us If life ran like a storybook. But sadly, we tend to be a bit more human than that, we fall in love, we get hurt once and over again and we still stay. People indeed need each other, but sometimes the cost is a heavy one to bear. The breakage can be far-reaching when it's a toxic relationship. Love is addictive, but sometimes the power of this can be self-destructive. Walking away from a relationship that is loveless, dangerous, or hostile is one of the hardest things to do. A bad relationship is that one that will always steal your joy with an undeniable clamor, it's not just about being on the downside fall of the usual relationship ups and downs.

How do you know when to let go?

The majority of the time, the sign is always clear, it is now meant for us to see it. Emotional and physical abuse, cheating, emotional starvation, and constant criticism do feel right and sometimes nothing is outstanding noticeable but the sign might lie in the intimacy between you both. Sometimes there's nothing in your way except you, you get addicted to love with the circumstances that make leaving to be difficult, and some of those things are :
  • Staying because you want more for yourself
  • knowing it's bad and yet you stay.
  • You know that there's an important in you that stays hungry in your relationship, I.e security, love, respect intimacy, and yet you still choose to stay.
  • The pain of leaving always brings you back even when you try to end the relationship.

Hence, when leaving feels as bad as staying, what will you do?

Leaving a bad relationship is difficult, but the power to do so all lies in your hands. It requires strength and energy to stay in a toxic relationship as it does to leave, but you can always channel the strength and the resources you used in staying to propel you forward.
1)Be present: The pull to check the way it was or the way you are and be spectacular. The energy to keep you moving exists only in the present. Try to experience how broken the relationship looks without needing to change it or control it. However, no relationship is perfect, couples do have grudges with each other, that's a normal part of living and loving together, but the problem is when there's abuse, insecurity, harm, and the grieve of the relationship as it stands, when you remember all this, it will make It easier to move away.
2) Give it a deadline: when you're hoping that everything will be better, try to give it a deadline, don't make it to be too long, it might be six weeks, six months, whichever one that you feel is right for you, during that period, try to give the relationship everything you've got and hern the day finally comes, try to be honest with yourself and act from a place of strength and self-love, right there in front of you, you'll find your answer

3) Fight for you: fighting for what you believe in and what you love is very important and one of those things has to be you. What would do when someone is facing the same deadness and the pain you're feeling? Feel more courageous inside, because a fighter, a Queen, a king and you deserve everything good that will make you feel happy. But first, you have to be fierce, bold, and bravely fight for yourself the way you would fight for anyone you love.

4) Become selfish: Try to recognize what you need and things you can do to meet those needs. There will always be fallout when you allow the noise to shout you down and make you Ignore your needs. You have to understand that what you need matters, which means you'll have to put yourself first on the list and feel too important to stay out of a toxic relationship.

5) Stop making excuses and know what you want: what do you want from a relationship? And what is the difference between what you want and what you are getting? And how long so far? If you are loved, it will always feel like love even amid the storm, the stress, things you do or say, the weariness. A Loving relationship is filled with respect and security even during tough times, but if it doesn't feel good for you, it's not, it is better to move away.


All relationships will pass through make or break time, but a healthy relationship will recover no Matter the tough time. They'll become closer and stronger. When a relationship is barreled around with a storm, if the relationship is healthy, it might take time to put things together, but an unhealthy relationship will deteriorate from the lack of nourishment and will die off eventually. You are the only one in the right place to decide whether to stay or go, but you have to be mindful of your reasons, sometimes the most life-changing things do not lie in what we do but in what we stop doing. The only truth that matters is that, If the relationship feels bad, then It's bad, for you. Fight to keep your relationship but when there is no more fight left out, you'll have to decide what's best for yourself.

Thank you for sparing some time with this, until the next one!

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